点菜的时候,大小盘子要分清楚。小盘子通常用来装小吃或凉菜,中盘子装主菜或米饭类料理,大盘子适合多人聚餐,可以盛放炒菜或炖菜等分量较多的菜肴。中餐的菜品分量因菜而异,一般来说,小盘菜适合 1-2 人食用,中盘菜适合 2-4 人食用,大盘菜适合 4-8 人食用。点菜时要根据人数和菜品种类来选择合适的盘子大小。另外,中餐中还有单人份的小炒、前菜,和米饭、炒菜、炖菜等多种菜品,从个人的独享料理到适合大家分享的大盘菜,都能满足不同需求和喜好。 A Pint of Chinese Food Imagine a container filled with about 16 ounces – or 473 milliliters – of your favorite Chinese dish. That’s about the size of a standard takeout box and measures approximately 4.5 inches long, 3.5 inches wide, and 2.5 inches tall. On average, one pint is enough to satisfy a small appetite, while bigger appetites may want to opt for a 1....